Connecting outside of ENG 110

I’d have to say that my favorite revision strategies are peer discussion and reacting to the text. I find reacting to the text allows me to effectively record the pieces of text that strike me as interesting. I also enjoy reacting to the text because it makes it easier for me to look back on my notes and remember the emotion or point that I want to associate with that piece of text. I also enjoy using a peer discussion during the brainstorming process. I find that during discussion I am able to use the points that my peers have made to push my argument to a new level. Peer discussion can also prove beneficial when thinking about a naysayer paragraph and often times I find that using the points that against my argument that my peers provide helps me strengthen my argument. I learned that often the more time I spend discussing with my peers the more narrow I’m able to make my scope when it comes time to write my essay because I have a better grasp for what truly my stance is on the matter. These tactics have been useful in other aspects of life and not only in school related activities. When discussing politics or important social issues peer discussion is a powerful tool to hear all stances on the matter with an open mind.